Aleš Omerzu

   Aleš Omerzu, PhD
   Associate Professor

   Curriculum vitae (.pdf)

   Ured O-821, int. tel. 584 634
   Osobna web stranica:

  1. Semiconductors: Principles and Applications
  2. Electronics
  3. General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)

Details of the scientific and academic record can be obtained on portfelju UNIRI(Croatian language).

07.04. 1968. Zagreb, Croatia
University Education:
B.Sc., Physics (1994), University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
PhD, Physics (1999), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Past positions and appointments:      
2004 - 2014     Research associate at J. Stefan Institute
2000 - 2004     Research assistant at J. Stefan Instutute
2001    Postdoctoral fellow at Physics Department, University of California Los Angeles, USA
2000    Postdoctoral fellow at Agency for Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
1994 - 2000     Research assistant at J. Stefan Institute
Research experience
Measurements of electronic, magnetic and optical properties of organic crystalline and noncrystalline materials (organic conductors, fullerenes and DNA) which include: dielectric spectroscopy, conductivity measurement, magnetic susceptometry, electronic spin resonance, optical spectroscopy (UV, visible, infrared).

Selected publications

1. A. Omerzu, B. Anželak, I. Turel, J. Štrancar, A. Potočnik, D. Arčon, I. Arčon, D. Mihailović, H. Matsui: Strong Correlations in Highly Electron-Doped Zn(II)-DNA Complexes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010) 156804.

2. A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, B. Anzelak, I. Turel: Optical spectra of wet and dry M-DNA, Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 121103.
3. A. Omerzu, M. Licer, T. Mertelj, V. V. Kabanov, D. Mihailovic: Hole interactions with molecular vibrations on DNA, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 218101.
4. B. Narymbetov, A. Omerzu, V. V.Kabanov, M. Tokumoto, H. Kobayashi, D. Mihailovic: Origin of ferromagnetic exchange interactions in a fullerene-organic compound, Nature 407 (2000) 883.
5. A. Omerzu, D. Mihailovic, S. Tomic, O. Milat, N. Biskup: Electrical conductivity in dynamically orientationally disordered systems: ac and dc measurements in ferromagnetic single crystals of TDAE-C-60, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 204
