Laboratory for Elemental Microanalysis

Room: O-022




Dr Darko Mekterović

Office: O-018
Phone: (051) 584 616

Curriculum vitae (.pdf)



Prof Gordana Žauhar

Prof Diana Mance

Dr Marija Čargonja

Dr Boris Mifka




The Laboratory for Elemental Microanalysis is equipped with nuclear analytical techniques based on X-ray spectroscopy, primarily for studying patterns relevant to environmental protection, but also for studying archaeological specimens and samples related to cultural heritage; for the first time in this region, non-destructive, multi-elemental analytical techniques enabled identification of the sources and intensity of individual sources of anthropogenic atmospheric pollution.

The principal analytical technique that is used in the Laboratory is X-ray Fluorescence or XRF. XRF is well established analytical technique that has been around for many decades. It has been used in various fields of science and applications wherever fast, multi-elemental analysis was required. The excitation of the sample is typically done by means of an x-ray radioactive source or, more commonly, by an X-ray tube. Once the sample is irradiated, characteristic x-rays are emitted by all elements present in the sample. These x-rays are detected by special detectors, measured and analyzed. Measured intensities of the characteristic x-rays will enable us to calculate concentration of each element of interest in the sample. 

The Laboratory also collaborates with the Laboratory for ion beam interactions at the Ruđer Bošković Institute for PIXE and PESA analytical techniques. 

Nuclear analytical techniques have many advantages over the conventional analytical techniques, to name only few:

  • Techniques are multielemental (typically all elements from Si to U can be analysed in a single run)
  • Spectra are relatively simple to interpret, therefore quantitative analysis is fast and accurate
  • Analysis is non-destructive
  • The material to be analysed may be minute (micron size) and in a variety of forms, i.e. solid, liquid, powder, slurry, gas, etc.
  • Sample preparation is minimal often requiring only cleaning
  • Wide dynamic range, i.e., concentrations from 100% to less than 1 part per million (ppm) can be analysed in a single run


XRF and especially PIXE methods are ideally suited for aerosol analysis. Multi-elemental capabilities combined with the ease of sample preparation, small sample mass available and non-destructiveness are capabilities that make PIXE the method of choice for aerosol analysis. On the other hand, in Rijeka with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, the air pollution monitoring is of a great importance. Although Government agencies do monitor air pollution on regular basis, an independent and continuous monitoring of air quality is highly desirable. In August 2013, the Laboratory for elemental microanalysis started with a systematic collection of PM2.5 (particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 micrometers)  in Rijeka, Croatia. Daily samples have been collected on stretched teflon filters. Aerosol sampler is designed to collect fine aerosols, i.e. aerosol particles with the (dynamic) diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less. This is so called anthropogenic component of aerosol pollution and represents the predominant component in most urban environments caused by manmade, mainly fissile fuel burning processes (traffic, power plants, industry, etc.). The results of NAT analysis of such samples enables scientists to identify 'fingerprints' of major pollutants and from there to pin-point the major 'culprits' and sources of air pollution in the area. 




1. Buljat, Antonella; Čargonja, Marija; Mekterović, Darko.
Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter in a Metal Workshop. // International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21 (2024) , 

2. Mifka, Boris; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Kavre Piltaver, Ivna; Mekterović, Darko; Kuzmić, Josipa; Marciuš, Marijan; Ciglenečki, Irena.
Intense Desert Dust Event in the Northern Adriatic (March 2020); Insights From the Numerical Model Application and Chemical Characterization Results. // Earth and Space Science. 10 (2023) , e2023EA002879

3. Čargonja, Marija; Mekterović, Darko; Žurga, Paula; Ravlić-Gulan, Jagoda; Bogdanović Radović, Iva; Žauhar, Gordana.
Deposition of heavy metals in biological tissues of workers in metal workshops. // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30 (2023) , 36794-36806

4. Mifka, Boris; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Kuzmić, Josipa; Čanković, Milan; Mateša, Sarah; Ciglenečki, Irena
Climatology of dust deposition in the Adriatic Sea; a possible impact on marine production. // Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres. 127 (2022) , 26; e2021JD035783

5. Alebić-Juretić, Ana; Mifka, Boris
Sources of airborne particulates (PM10) in the port city of Rijeka, Croatia. // Environmental science and pollution research. 29 (2022) , 6578-6590

4. Mifka, Boris; Žurga, Paula; Kontošić, Dario; Odorčić, Dajana; Mezlar, Marjana; Merico, Eva; Grasso, M. Fabbio; Conte, Marianna; Contini, Daniele; Alebić-Juretić, Ana
Characterization of airborne particulate fractions from the port city of Rijeka, Croatia. // Marine pollution bulletin. 166 (2021) , 112236

7. Čargonja, Marija; Mekterović, Darko; Žurga, Paula; Ravlić-Gulan, Jagoda; Bogdanović Radović, Iva; Žauhar, Gordana.
Elemental analysis of particulate matter in a metal workshop and of biological samples from exposed workers. // X-Ray Spectrometry50 (2021) , 68-79

8. Cesari, Daniela; Merico, Eva; Dinoi, Adelaide; Gambaro, Andrea; Morabito, Elisa; Gregorois, Elena; Barbaro, Elena; Feltracco, Matteo; Alebić-Juretić, Ana; Odorčić, Dajana et al.
An inter-comparison of size segregated carbonaceous aerosol collected by low-volume impactor in the port-cities of Venice (Italy) and Rijeka (Croatia). // Atmospheric Pollution Research11 (2020) , 10; 1705-1714

9. Merico, Eva; Conte, Marianna; Grasso, Fabio M.; Cesari, Daniela; Gambaro, Andrea; Morabito, Elisa; Gregoris, Elena, Orlando, Salvatore; Alebić-Juretić, Ana; Zubak, Velimir.; Mifka, Boris; Contini, Daniele
Comparison of the impact of ships to size- segregated particle concentrations in two harbour cities of northern Adriatic Sea. // Environmental pollution266 (2020) , 115175, 10

10. Palčić, Ana; Szyja, Bartłomiej M.; Mičetić, Maja; Čendak, Tomaž; Akouche, Mariame; Juraić, Krunoslav; Čargonja, Marija; Mekterović, Darko; Vušak, Vitomir; Valtchev, Valentin.
Impact of the Zn source on the RSN-type zeolite formation. // Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 6 (2019) , 9; 2279-2290

11. Čargonja, Marija; Mekterović, Darko; Mance, Diana; Žauhar, Gordana; Bogdanović Radović, Iva; Zamboni, Ivana. Characteristics of aerosol pollution in the vicinity of an oil refinery near Rijeka, Croatia. // X-ray spectrometry48 (2019) , 5; 561-568

12. Čargonja, Marija; Žauhar, Gordana; Orlić, Ivica.
Analysis of aerosols in indoor working environment by X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF). // Radiation and Applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Sciences2 (2017) , 3; 220-225 

13. Ivošević, Tatjana; Orlić, Ivica; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Čargonja, Marija; Stelcer, Eduard.
Composition and source apportionment of fine particulate matter during extended calm periods in the city of Rijeka, Croatia. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms406 (2017) , Part A; 82-86

14. Merico, Eva; Gambaro, Andrea; Argiriou, Athanassios A.; Alebić-Juretić, Ana; Barbaro, Elena; Cesari, Daniela; Chasapidis, Leonidas; Dimopoulos, S.; Dinoi, Adelaide; Donateo, Antonio; Giannaros, Christos; Gregoris, Elena; Karagiannidis, Athanasios F.; Konstandopoulos, A.G.; Ivošević, Tatjana; Liora, Natalia; Melas, Dimitrios; Mifka, Boris; Orlić, Ivica; Poupkou, Anastasia; Šarovic, Kristina; Tsakis, Apostolos; Giua, Roberto; Pastore, Tiziano; Nocioni, Alessandra; Contini, Daniele.
Atmospheric impact of ship traffic in four Adriatic-Ionian port-cities: comparison and harmonization of different approaches. // Transportation research part d-transport and environment50 (2017) ; 431-445

15. Ivošević, Tatjana; Stelcer, Eduard; Orlić, Ivica; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Cohen, David.
Characterization and source apportionment of fine particulate sources at Rijeka, Croatia from 2013 to 2015. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms371 (2016) ; 376-380

16. Ivošević, Tatjana; Orlić, Ivica; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica.
Long term fine aerosol analysis by XRF and PIXE techniques in the city of Rijeka, Croatia. // Nuclear Instruments and Method in Physics Research. Section B363 (2015) ; 119-123

17. Orlić, Ivica; Mekterović, Darko; Mekterović, Igor; Ivošević, Tatjana.
VIBA-Lab 3.0: Computer program for simulation and semi-quantitative analysis of PIXE and RBS spectra and 2D elemental maps. // Nuclear Instruments and Method in Physics Research Section B363 (2015) ; 37-41

18. Ivošević, Tatjana; Mandić, Luka; Orlić, Ivica; Stelcer, Eduard; Cohen, David.
Comparison between XRF and IBA techniques in analysis of fine aerosols collected in Rijeka, Croatia. // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B337 (2014) ; 83-89


1. Zaštita zraka 2023, 20.-23. 9. 2023., Mlini, Croatia

2. Meteorološki izazovi 8, April 28-29 2022, Zagreb, Croatia

3. 7th International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research, June 10-14 2019, Herceg Novi, Montenegro

4. 13th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, May 5-10 2019, Split, Croatia

5. European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, June 24-29 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia

6. Fifth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, June 12-16 2017, Budva, Montenegro

7. 15th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, April 2-7 2017, Split, Croatia

8. European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, June 19-24 2016, Göteborg, Sweden

9. 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, June 14-19 2015, Opatija, Croatia

10. 14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission, February 25 - March 3 2015, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa


  • Aerosol sampler with a cyclone separation of particles is used for sampling fine particulate matter, consisting particles less than 2.5 μm in diameter. One such sampler is positioned outside for continuous monitoring and the other is used for occasional sampling in metal workshops.

    • X-Beam Superflux from X-Ray Optical Systems (XOS) is a compact source of X-rays used in XRF technique. Typically used source power is 50 W and collimator of 2 mm in diameter. Together with a XYZ translation system for samples it is able to irradiate chosen sample area for analysis.        

    • Amptek X123 Y-ray spectrometer is a compact detection system with a semiconductive crystal, digital processor and multichanel analyzer. Radiation detected from samples is stored in spectra for subsequent analysis.      
